Construction Week 2022

When: Mar 7th to Mar 20th 2022

Where: At THE HOUSE of KuK-BDSM e.V.

Who: Open for members and guests

How much: No charges but full board, donations welcome.


We construct. More precisely we posh up the house and its backyard. This year’s focus is on renovating one of our guestrooms, adding storage space, and renewing the fence at the front of the garden.

We’ll have breakfast together and discuss the schedule for the day, and then work until dinner. Afterwards, we’ll make use of the house with all its play possibilities and its cosy places.

This is a good opportunity for interested newbies to learn a bit more about the club and the house without commitment.

To be good with one’s hands is beneficial but not required. There is plenty of work for all talents.

Members receive construction credits for their work.


Please register by e-mail to Please also mention your preferred accommodation then. Available are one four-bed room, two three-bed rooms, and three two-bed rooms.

About-KuK BDSM:

KuK-BDSM is a private non-profit organisation under German law (eingetragener Verein) and organises events for its members between Easter and Thanksgiving.

For this purpose an own venue with about 700m² indoor and 8000m² outdoor space is operated in northern Germany.

We welcome people of all genders, sexual orientations and roles and stand in for personal freedom and mutual acceptance.

Our concept of safety is a combination of RACK and Safer Sex.