Devil’s exorcism 2025

An idyllic place in the green, quiet, peaceful and cozy. A relaxing time ahead. And once again a group of friends meets in the old house near the town of Osterburg to cook together, play games and relax.

Of course, the coziness mixes with a bit of scaryness. Even though today it is hard to believe that already three times in recent history ghosts of the devil made their way to the surface. And all this happened after they had become a legend after centuries of peace. However, in all cases they coud be defeated thanks to the information in a magic book preserved from that time. And thanks to a courageous group of devil hunters. All the ghosts were banished back underground, such that nothing stands in the way of a peaceful future.

All of them? Or is there still something evil from the underworld hiding at the legendary place?

The Role Play

You are a switcher and love roleplaying? You’ve always wanted to play both sides in one event? You love to play intrigues? You enjoy playing in a group? Then this is the right place for you!

The roles, especially whether you are haunted by the devil, are drawn by lot. And then the time is running. No one knows from the other whether one is haunted or not. Not even the devils among themselves. But they have to find their counterpart in order to put together the magic code. And with it they can not only disguise their identity at the magical place of truth – they can turn everyone else into a devil. Thus, it remains unclear until the end who will have to be freed.

So suspicions, suppositions, insinuations and sometimes even threats are allowed. Prisoners are taken. There is painful questioning. Pure intrigue. Always under the guise of doubt.


In the event we play a gettogether among friends. This includes all the daily routines to keep the event running, such as cooking and kitchen help and cleaning the house for departure.

The role play itself is meant to be creative and allows for surprising turns. However, in the end it creates a surrounding for consensual SM play for switchers, which is at the heart of the event.

In this surrounding the play evolves based on the initiative and the creativity of the participants. There is no clear structure and space for creative twists and turns. This freedom may lead to surprising moments and possibly not always everyone is involved. The agenda results from the ideas of the participants. Only for a single meal a day it is envisioned to have all participants at the same table on “eye level”.

In a “magic book” we have summarized the do’s and don’ts with taboos, knowledge and wishes of the participants for reference. We have time on the house – the do’s and don’ts must be read and observed in play. As safewords there is a traffic light system and the common stop word “Mayday”.

We assume responsible action and mindful interaction, especially in the intense moments of play. The event is based on RACK. It is suitable for SM novices as well as “old hands”.


Arrival: Wednesday, 21. May, 11:00-13:00
Departure: Sunday, 25. May, 12:00-14:00


The legendary house of KuK-BDSM e.V. is located in Saxony-Anhalt, inbetween Hamburg and Berlin. It can be reached by car or by train with someone picking you up from the nearest train station. The exact address in the internal area for members of the website.


220€ for stay and meals in accordance with the club’s pricing guidance.

The event is for members only. You can obtain a 12 month membership for 100€.

Registration Step by Step

1) Send your registration request by e-mail to If you wish, you can encrypt your information securely with PGP. (The public key can be found at, fingerprint 18B6 F785 1421 8F9E 713F A56E B921 A7A2 0081 BB7F). Enter your membership number if you have one. If you are not a member yet, please write a comment ‘not a member’.
2) If we don’t know each other yet, we will have an exchange by phone to discuss boundaries and expectations. For this the organizers dragonfly_ger84 or jtfox are available. A list of do’s and don’ts needs to be completed for the event as well.
3) You will receive a request for payment. Please do not pay anything before.
4) Upon receipt of payment, there will be a confirmation and at that point the registration is binding. More information about the preparation of the event will follow.

We try to compose a group as balanced as possible by age, gender, experience, etc. In case of overbooking there will be a waiting list.

Cancellation by 4/1/2025 is free of charge (full refund). Cancellations after 4/1/2025 will only be eligible for a partial refund if substitutes fill the vacated spot.

Members can pay by building credits.

About KuK BDSM

KuK BDSM is a private non-profit organization under German law (registered association) and, among others, organizes events in the BDSM context for its members. For this purpose a property is maintained in the north of Germany with about 700m² indoor and 8000m² outdoor space.
We welcome people of all sexual orientations, gender and roles and stand for personal freedom and mutual acceptance.
Our safety concept is a combination of RACK and Safer Sex.