When: 20st August from noon until 22nd August noon
At KuK-BDSM e.V. house in Germany
Members only event. Non-Members are required to become members for this event. The membership fee is 100€ for one year (this is not an automatic prolonged abonnement)
How much: free of charge, donations are welcome
Dear Members,
Corona has postponed the social activities at the house for all of us. We assume that with a stable pandemic situation and legal basis we will be able to hold our association party from 20 August under certain conditions.
The idea of the association party came from the idea of giving all KuK members the opportunity KuK members the opportunity to come together, exchange ideas and celebrate together. Sessions, shows, group role-playing and workshops are made possible, as well as a lot of cosy and frivolous time in the larger circle at the house.
We cannot be sure that the festival will take place. Should it not be possible to hold the event on this date, preparations have already been made to hold it at a later date.
In any case, we will write to all those who have registered one to two weeks before the festival to let them know whether and under what conditions and hygiene requirements the festival can take place.
The planned concept schedules an official start on Friday at noon and a farewell brunch on Sunday (before) noon. Besides an auction, practical and theoretical workshops, and organised jail and hunting mini role play for a few hours, and shows Friday and Saturday evening, there will be plenty of opportunity to meet new people and not just to use the house.
The house will be open to any member for the club party without charge. Donations, cake buffet, auction proceeds and donations for workshop participation will be used not only to finance the association festival, but also to raise funds for beautification and necessary renovations.
In principle, non-members cannot take part in the association’s festival. The association festival is a thank you to all those who are involved in the KuK and have helped to make the house a great place, sometimes over many years. All members who would like to volunteer for a service such as set-up/break-down/shows/workshops/clean-up/buffet or supervision are asked to contact us.
With 30-60 people planned, we are dependent on tents, car sleeping spaces, accommodation in the surrounding area and possibly bed castles in the house.
If you want to participate, please write to us as soon as possible. In order to keep the event planned and organisable, we limit the participation to 60 participants.
Email to: KuK_Janus@posteo.de